Annual Extravaganza


Join us as we celebrate Bangor at our annual Extravaganza and Awards Ceremony.

WE are proud to be the network of young residents committed to the growth of the greater Bangor region as the premier place to live, work, and play. Extravaganza celebrates Bangor's best in support of this mission.

Our Awards


FUSION:Bangor’s signature and most prestigious award will recognize an individual, organization or business that promotes the common good of young people in the greater Bangor Region. Recipients of this award are those who inspire young professionals to reach their greatest personal and professional potential while making an impact on the quality of life in our community.

Past Award Winners:
2012 - George Kinghorn
2013 - Ben Sprague, Bangor City Council
2014 - Darlings
2015 - Geaghan's Pub & Craft Brewery
2016 - Kerrie Tripp
2017 - Bangor Savings Bank
2018 - Tanya Emery
2019 - Community Real Estate Solutions


Award sponsored by:
Cross Insurance Center

FUSION:Bangor is Downtown Proud, and we’re recognizing an individual, organization or business that shares downtown pride and helps to contribute to the wealth and health of a downtown community in the Bangor Region. This person, organization or business is one that promotes and advocates for downtown vitality and attractiveness and works with or in the community to develop our downtown.

Past Award Winners:
2012 - Central Street Farmhouse
2013 - 11 Central
2014 - Annette Sohns Dodd
2015 - Jamie Ballinger
2016 - Mason’s
2017 - The Briar Patch
2018 - Melissa Smith
2019 - Repecca Krukpe


Award sponsored by:
Rudman Winchell

Innovation is key to the growth of our region, and this award recognizes an individual or group whose innovative and creative work has impacted the Bangor Region over the last year. This is a person or group who has organized or enacted an identifiable project, group, or campaign that has positively affected the Bangor Region.

Past Award Winners:
2012 - Eric Mihan, Bangor Wine & Cheese
2013 - Garrett Wilkin, Maine Hacker Club
2014 - Andrea Beaulieu, Studio Linear
2015 - Bangor Police Dept
2016 - Waterfront Concerts
2017 - CoVort
2018 - Osborne Media
2019 - Lobster Unlimited


This award recognizes an outstanding individual who has gone above and beyond the call of duty in volunteer service to FUSION over the past year. Through his/her enthusiasm and dedication, this individual has made a significant difference in the organization and in their community and demonstrates a commitment to FUSION:Bangor's mission. 

2018 - Ethan Evans
2019 - Amanda Millay


Award sponsored by:
Darling’s Agency

This award is presented to an organization that provides the greater Bangor region and FUSION:Bangor Sports with stability through contribution to our sports leagues. This nominee goes above and beyond supporting our leagues to assist in making this the premier region to live, work, and play. 

2017 - Bangor Federal Credit Union
2018 - Darling's
2019 - W.S. Emerson

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